Within the past few years designer replicas have become more realistic and aggressive in their sales pitch. I see them advertising their goods on instagram and selling only through email contact without websites, so as to not get caught. Selling designer knock offs is illegal. What most people don't know is that buying them is as well, whether you know they are knock-offs or not. I have come into contact with a few people who have been victim to this.
Although, my budget does not allow me to purchase expensive beautiful designer bags, I like to think I am pretty well informed on them, and can easily spot a fake. There are online authenticator websites that can help you determine if you have the real thing, you should never buy any luxury goods on ebay if you are not 100% sure it is real, many times even the person selling it doesn't know for sure!
My research on this started because I received a hand me down vintage Chanel purse and I didn't know if it was real. Afterwards. I was selling a vintage Dooney and Bourke and had to make sure it was real also so I went into more research. Most recently, I noticed on the Facebook Tag sale sites there was a girl who was selling a Luis Vuitton, or what she thought was a Luis Vuitton. It was a very good replica. Which brings me here. I thought I would write a little bit about what I know and spotting a real vs. fake and maybe this will help some people, if not, at least it is interesting!
How to Spot a Fake Luis Vuitton:
- Asking for serial codes is not enough. Fake bags can have a serial code as well and does not guarantee it is real.
- A pretty good give away is when you look inside. If it looks cheap or unfinished, finished with plastic or cheap tan or suede. This photo below is an authentic interior:
- On the LV monogram bags the dark brown is not shiny, thin, or plastic feeling. The leather used for the handles and straps is natural cowhide leather which changes color over time and should not look or feel like plastic or have a shiny hard look.
- The LV print on the monogram bags goes all the way around on many of the styles. If the print stops on the bottom and the LV on the other side is upright, it could be a fake. They should be upside down.
- The LV print should be all lined up and symmetrical and not cut off at the edges or seams.
- Brass or gold hardware should not appear to be painted gold or be plastic.
How to Spot a Fake Chanel
- The CC logo on a chanel should have the right C overlap the left C on top and vice versa on the bottom.
- If there is a pocket on your chanel, and the stitching or quilting is not even with the rest, it is most likely a fake.
- If the chain on the bag is plastic or light in weight, it's a fake.
- The hardware, if any, should not have Philips head screws.
- Check the zipper, Chanel has used a few different type of zippers, however, they are always a certain type and of good quality; Lampo, YKK, and DMC, EP.
- Real Chanel bags have a high stitch count.
How to Spot a Fake Celine
- Check and SMELL the inside of your bag. If you are looking at the phantom, which is the one most popularly replicated, it should be real suede. Or if your bag is suede, the interior should be a smooth leather.
- The hardware underneath the bag should be metal. But there are exception to this, there should be no stitch in the middle.
- The front pocket should have a long braided tassel.
Of course, there are many other bags that are replicated, but these are the most popular. Do just make sure with an authenticator or in their stores before making the purchase if it's a purchase made outside of their shops.
Thanks for reading!
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